Introduction to Peels

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Learn the foundations of Skin Peels and their action from a cellular level, including components, how peels are altered and skin conditions suitable for the various Peels.

At Advanced Skin Academy the option exists through our Peels course, for the Forward-Thinking Therapist to arm themselves with the Skills, Knowledge, Understanding and Confidence required to improve client’s outcomes and personal job satisfaction! 

The Peels course empowers you the Therapist to incorporate the advanced treatment option of Peels into your client’s skin corrective journey. 

Ask yourself how informed you are, with the following topics. 
These skills are essential when safely performing the treatment of Peels: 

  • Skin anatomy knowledge in relation to Peels 
  • Importance of a comprehensive skin analysis 
  • History of Peels 
    1. How far back in history do they go? 
    2. Have we learnt from these past experience with Peels? 
  • Knowing and Understanding the different types of superficial Peels 
  • Mechanism & action of the various Peels. 
  • What skin concerns can be treated with Peels 
  • Which Peel is the correct choice for clients presenting concerns? 
    1. Are you improving or causing more issues? 
    2. During the client’s skin journey can you change the type of Peels? 
  • Adverse reactions 
    1. What are the risks and are they important? 
    2. How to manage an adverse reaction without or minimising the risk of a poor outcome. 
  • How often can Peels be applied? 
  • Pre and post treatment, 
  • Consent 
  • Is prepping a client’s skin important? 
  • Post care advice and care 
  • Can you incorporate other treatments? 
  • What Peel treatment’s fall into your scope of practice? 

The above knowledge delivered during Advanced Skin Academy’s Peel Course is essential when incorporating Peels into your practice! 
If you answered no to any of the above questions, Advanced Skin Academy Peels course is beneficial to you.  

Advanced Skin Academy Peel Course Outline: 

  • Skin anatomy in relation to Peels 
  • Fitzpatrick chart 
  • Importance of a Woods lamp examination. 
  • Why incorporate Peels into your client’s skin regime? 
  • Skin concerns peels target and why, e.g. 
    1. Skin health 
    2. Rejuvenation- Anti-aging 
    3. Dehydration 
    4. Skin texture 
    5. Acne 
    6. Pigmentation- sun damage
  • How peels work 
    1. Mechanism 
    2. How deep do they penetrate? 
  • How often can you use peels? 
  • Identifying which is the best peel for your client. 
  • Pre-Peel process 
    1. Why this is necessary 
    2. What can happen if the process is not adhered too. 
  • Who can be treated with peels? 
  • Contraindications 
  • Consents, why you should use them. 
    1. Explaining benefits as well as risks. 
  • Expected results- realistic 
  • Adding other treatments  
    1. The benefits 
  • What you are observing during the treatment 
  • Identifying and managing an adverse reaction 
  • Post care 

At the end of each module there is a quiz to enhance your learning. 
A certificate will be issued on completion. 

If you are serious about increasing your Knowledge, Skill, Understanding and Confidence to incorporate Peel treatments into your workplace to increasing client outcomes and personal job satisfaction then enrol into Advanced Skin Academy, Introductory to Peel Course. 

  • Electronic Device of choice - Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile. We recommend using a computer or laptop for the larger screen.
  • Glasses if required for reading or blue light filtration. 
  • Word doc or note pad and pen if you'd like to take notes.